Spirit of Place
A feature of the North Mayo Sculpture Trail is the project Spirit of Place. This project has been developing since 1993 with the first project realized in Mayo in 2002. Spirit of Place is a project conceived and developed by the architectural professor Travis Price from Washington DC. The project in County Mayo is part of a larger scale, world-wide programme of modern architectural intervention that works hand in hand with ecology, mythology and the restoring of the spirit of place to modern design. Over the years Travis Price has responded directly to the natural environment and landscape of the North Mayo Coastline at a number of sites.
The projects in Mayo have been built with the help of architectural students from the Catholic University of America, Washington DC and local craftsmen and women. These otherworldly art projects celebrate Irish stories and mythological understandings in a modern idiom. They have won prestigious awards from the American Institute of Architects and have featured in the Washington Post, New York Times and National Geographic. Founded in 1993, Spirit of Place-Spirit of Design is an international design-build education programme with a cultural exchange curriculum. The design brief is a response to the poetic specificity of the culture, mythology, and the ecology of place. For over 20 years, Spirit of Place has been invited by project patrons in a host country to create a ‘legacy marker’ that revitalizes a unique aspect of historic culture celebrating the spirit of place. Other Spirit of Place projects that can be visited in County Mayo include, The Procession of the Souls, Swinford and the recently completed project The Fishers of Men, Cong, 2017.
Gné amháin de Shlí Dhealbhóireachta Thuaisceart Mhaigh Eo is ea an togra ‘Spirit of Place’. Tá an tionscadal seo á fhorbairt i Maigh Eo de réir a chéile, ó cuireadh an chéad tionscadal i gcrích sa bhliain 2002. Togra ceaptha agus forbartha ag an ollamh le hailtireacht Travis Price as Washington DC is ea Spirit of Place. Tá an togra i gContae Mhaigh Eo mar chuid de chlár ailtireachta nua-aimseartha níos fairsinge atá á reáchtáil ar fud an domhain, agus a oibríonn a lámh a chéile le héiceolaíocht agus miotaseolaíocht chun croí na háite agus an tsuímh a leiriú i ndearadh nua-aimseartha. Thar na blianta, tá saothair éagsúla cruthaithe ag Travis Price agus suite feadh chósta thuaidh Mhaigh Eo aige a fhreagraíonn go díreach don timpeallacht agus don tírdhreach máguaird.
Tógadh na tionscadail i Maigh Eo le cúnamh ó mhic léinn ailtireachta sa Catholic University of America, Washington DC, agus ó cheardaithe áitiúla. Déanann na tionscadail ealaíne neamhshaolta seo ceiliúradh ar scéalta agus miotais na nGael ar bhealach nua-aoiseach.Tá dámhachtainí bronnta orthu ag an American Institute of Architects, agus trácht déanta orthu sa Washington Post, New York Times, agus National Geographic. Curtha ar bun i 1993, is clár oiliúna idirnáisiúnta um dhearadh agus tógáil le curaclam malartaithe cultúrtha é Spirit of Place-Spirit of Design. Is éard atá sa treoir le haghaidh dearadh ná go bhfreagraíonn an saothar do shainiúlacht chultúr, mhiotaseolaíocht agus éiceolaíocht an cheantair. Le breis is scór bliain anuas, tá pátrúin i dtíortha óstacha ag tabhairt cuiridh do ‘Spirit of Place’ teacht agus 'marcóir oidhreachta' a chruthú a dhéanann gné éigin de chultúr stairiúil an cheantair a athbheochan agus croí na háite a cheiliúradh.