A Home for the Children of Lir
2005 - Prisun cove / Na Príosúin
‘Carataigh, northwest of Belmullet can be found Prisun cove. ‘Thunderous 1000ft cliffs shape a large horseshoe that envelops a stunning landing spot far below. The cove used by pirates with lanterns at night luring ships into the rocks to their peril.
‘We had to make the sounds and the voices of the Children of Lir speak in literal architectural form.’ The form relies upon sound and song, these being both artificially created with the design of steel chimes, and the natural based sound between ‘the sea surf and the wind.’ The structure echoes Fionnuala, whose outstretched wings cradle three benches. ‘Finally there, they are home, under protected sister’s wings, resting peacefully.’
Tá na Príosúin suite i gCeathrú Thaidhg, siar ó thuaidh ó Bhéal an Mhuirthead. ‘Seasann aillte éachtacha 1000 slat in airde timpeall cuan crú capaill, áit fhíorálainn le teacht i dtír. Ba nós d'fhoghlaithe mara tráth lóchrainn a úsáid i ndorchadas na hoíche chun loing an mhealladh i dtreo na contúirte.
‘B’éigean dúinn fuaimeanna agus glóir Chlann Lir a léiriú san ailtireacht.' Croí na dealbha seo is ea fuaim agus amhránaíocht, cruthaithe ag na clingíní cruach saorga agus fuaim nádúrtha ‘na farraige, na dtonnta, agus na gaoithe araon.’ Cuireann cruth an phíosa Fionnuala i gcuimhne duit, a dá sciathán sínte amach ag tabhairt foscaidh do thrí bhinse. ‘Faoi dheireadh, san áit seo, siad sa bhaile, ag ligint a scíth go suaimhneach faoi sciathán cosantach a ndeirféar'
Location / Áit
Geographical coordinates:
Latitude 53° 07' 29; Longitude 9° 40' 00
Comhordanáidí Geografacha:
Domhanleithead 53° 07' 29; Domhanfhad 9° 40' 00